Energy Up Juice 2020-03-16T17:50:32+00:00

Project Description

Energy Up Juice

Spend each day cheerfully with pear-lotus root juice, plenty of nutrients and good juice for cold.

  • Lotus Root 180 g

  • Beet 20 g

  • Pear 300 g

Lotus root is an effective detox food for nicotine. It also improves digestion, reduces cholesterol, and effective for sedative action.
Especially when you have a cough or phlegm caused by a cold, drinking lotus root with juice will help alleviate your symptoms. Usually, people wash the lotus root clean and peel it. It is said that the skin of the lotus root is good for coughs and phlegm, so juicing with the skin is recommended.
Spend each day cheerfully with pear-lotus root juice, plenty of nutrients and good juice for cold.