Vegetable Fried Rice 2017-05-22T10:19:27+00:00

Project Description

Vegetable Fried Rice

Vegetable Fried Rice

Vegetable fried rice,
easy to make yet you can intake various nutrients with a single meal!

  • 2 bell peppers, 1/2 of a paprika,
    1 potato, 1/2 of a mushroom,
    2 containers of rice, Olive oil, Salt

1. Prepare the bell pepper, paprika, mushroom and potato in suitable sizes.
2. Fix the blade in the container and put the bell pepper, paprika and mushroom in it. Turn the dial to MIN for blending. Set the number of times that you turn the dial depending on the preferred texture.
3. Empty the container and fix the blade in it again. Put the potato and turn the dial to MIN. Then, slowly turn the dial to MAX for blending. Set the number of times that you turn the dial depending on the preferred texture.
4. Pour some olive oil on a pregeated frying pan and stir-fry the potato adding salt.
5. Add the blend to the frying pan and stir-fry a little. Then, add rice and mix them well.
6. Heat the frying pan over low heat and make a scrambled egg. Top it on the fried rice.