Start a clear and healthy day with Green Juice, which moisturizes your skin!
Apple 200g, Orange 100g, Cucumber 150g, Lemon 20g, Peppermint 1g, Leaf Beet 30g
TIP Wash the leaf beets with running water and blend them after separating the leaves and stems. Since the skin of an apple is loaded with anti-oxidants and vitamin C, it is better to use an apple with skin on.
- Peel the orange and lemon.
- Wash the apple, cucumber (stem removed), and peppermint clean and slice them into proper sizes.
- Wash the leaf beets with running water and separate the leaves and stems.
- Juice all the ingredients following the instructions.
- Drink immediately, or let chill for an hour and then enjoy.
Cucumbers are loaded with chlorophyll and vitamin C and low in calories and sodium, with moisturizing and brightening effects; they are the best ingredients to make juice for your skincare.
1 cup
92.5 Cal/350 ml
MAKES (ml)
350 ml