This recipe is often enjoyed by adults to boost stamina. However, it can be a good baby food as well. Use the blender. It’ll be so easy to make this recipe for your baby.
Beef 50g, Chestnut 50g, Date 10g, Rice 20g, Water 250ml
TIP The peels of dates are not easily digestible for babies at the early and middle stage of feeding solid foods. So, sift the dates through the peels and use only the soft flesh.
- Soak the rice in water. Simmer the dates. When they become gentle, drain the water and remove the dates seeds. Prepare only the flesh of the dates.
- Boil the beef and separate the meat from the soup.
- Peel the chestnuts.
- Blend all the ingredients together.
- Pour the mix in a pot and boil it until the rice is overcooked.
Vegetables, egg yolk and grains are rich in iron, but it is non-heme iron that is not easily absorbed. So, babies need to be fed meat containing heme iron that is most easily absorbed.
2~3 servings
200 Cal
MAKES (ml)
2~3 servings