Control your blood sugar levels with this smoothie made with ingredients that are effective for diabetes.
Jerusalem Artichoke 60g, Yacon 60g, Celery 15g, Kale 15g
TIP Wash off the dirt on Jerusalem artichokes and yacons by rubbing with a brush under running water.
- Remove dirt from the skin of the Jerusalem artichoke and yacon and wash them clean.
- Slice it into 4 slices.
- Slice the celery and kale into proper lengths.
- Insert the smoothie strainer, put all ingredients, and blend thoroughly.
- Drink immediately, or let chill for an hour and then enjoy.
Packed with dietary fiber and combined polysaccharide including inulin, Jerusalem artichokes, yacons prevent blood sugar levels from rising after eating. The flavonoid in green vegetables prevents cell aging due to oxidation.
1 cup
62.6 Cal/100 ml
MAKES (ml)
100 ml