Do you feel your skin got rough and your eyesight got poor? This antioxidant juice is good for improving skin health and eyesight, and plus makes a stronger immune system.
Lettuce 20g, Spinach 30g, Beet root 30g, Carrot 50g, Tomato 100g, Kale 30g, Lemon juice 20ml, Water 240ml
TIP Carrots with deep orange color and thin skin tend to have sweet and strong flavors. Adding lemon extract can give a more refreshing, citrus flavor.
- Wash the lettuce, spinach and kale and cut.
- Remove the stems of the tomatoes. Peel the beets and carrots and cut.
- Blend the ingredients in order of liquid, soft and hard ones and powder.
Lactucerin and Lactucin in lettuce helps suppress stress and alleviate pain. Beta-carotene in spinach and carrot acts as a strong antioxidant to improve the immune system.
2 cups
36 Cal / 350 ml
MAKES (ml)
700 ml