Assorted Fruits Pickles 2017-05-18T18:44:56+00:00

Project Description

Assorted Fruits Pickles

Assorted Fruits Pickles

Make sweet and sour pickles using your favorite fruits like oranges, grapefruits and lemons.

  • Orange (200g), Grapefruit (120g),
    Lemon Juice (50ml), Apple (200g),
    Cherry Tomato (20g), Seedless Grapes (50g),
    Water (400ml), Persimmon Vinegar (400ml),
    Plum Syrup (75g), Salt (15g), Pickling Spice (15g)

1 Wash the grape pieces in running water and drift the water off.
(If you want strong wine, crush the grapes.)
2 Put the sugar and soju in a bowl melting and add the grapes.
3 Assemble the bowl with cover and use the handle to close it by turning it clockwise. Place the Bowl inside the yogurt maker.
4 Select the “Pickle” function of the Greek Yogurt & Cheese Maker. Grape wine will be ready in 72 hours.